Grilled chicken is costly for poultry, slaughterhouse workers, human health and the environment. An estimated 1 billion chickens are killed every year, making the grilled chicken you see in supermarkets. These birds are raised on large farms where they live their short lives in cramped and muddy conditions. So, the next time you look at these chicken carcasses at the grocery store, consider the following facts before putting them in your cart:
1. Vegan food is better for cooking
You can buy two pound bags of dried beans for less than $ 2 each and the same amount of brown rice for about the same price. Serve large amounts of both, and you will have a healthy, filling meal with about 20 servings. Even with seasonings, salsa and vegetables, the total for all of these dishes will be cheaper than just one grilled chicken. These rice bean and bean bowls are just one example. There are many other suitable vegan cooking ideas.
2. Fast and light vegan options available.
If you’re short on time, there are plenty of quick and convenient vegan options you can find at the grocery store – just check out the frozen foods section. Costco and Trader Joe’s have a lot of frozen and cooked meals, and many food delivery companies offer vegan options, taking the pressure of planning off you.
3. Chickens deserve your attention and compassion.
Chickens raised and killed for food cannot experience anything natural and important to them, such as enjoying sunlight or creating social structures. Some are never even allowed to contact their mothers – as soon as the chickens lay their eggs, hatchery workers place them in large incubators. Under natural conditions, the hen will create a safe, private nest to care for its eggs, and to cluck to chicks in their shells before they hatch.
4. Babies are killed for grilled chicken
Most birds raised for food are slaughtered between 5 and 7 weeks of age. This is only a fraction of the natural lifespan of an average bird, which can range from 5 to 10 years. They are often killed before they reach maturity, which means they are still babies when their throats are slit.
5. There are no rules governing the slaughter of birds.
Because birds are not covered by the Humane Slaughter Act, there is no federal legal protection requiring chickens to be sedated before they are killed. Nearly all chickens are still conscious when their throats are slit, and many are burned to death after completely losing their throats and submerged in boiling water to remove feathers.
6. Chickens entering your grocery store are bred too large
Chickens raised for food are bred and drugged to grow so fast that their legs and organs cannot keep up. At 6 weeks, many are so large that their legs cannot support them and they cannot walk.
7. The chicken industry is harmful to the environment
An industry that raises 9 billion animals annually for meat inevitably generates a ton of waste. The antibiotics and chemicals used to feed the chickens end up in their feces, contaminating the land and waterways near the farms.
8. Slaughterhouse workers also suffer
Slaughterhouse work is one of the most dangerous occupations: many slaughterhouse workers are seriously injured or sick from unsafe and unsanitary working conditions. They are forced to work quickly with dangerous equipment, which makes injuries more frequent and also increases the suffering of animals.
9. Grilled chicken is unhealthy
Of broiler chickens sold in the United States, 99% have detectable levels Colibacilluswhich means that you most likely swallowed shit every time you eat chicken, the chickens are also pumped with antibiotics and drugs to keep them alive in conditions that would otherwise kill them. This leads to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which leads to the spread of incurable diseases.

Chickens on a truck go to the slaughterhouse.
10. Vegan chicken is all furious
Vegan chicken is plentiful in grocery stores and restaurants, so satisfying your cravings is easier than ever. Many brands even sell vegan chicken nuggets and chicken wings. These are all compassionate choices that help make a difference in the lives of the most affected animals on the planet.
Do you
nt to know how else you can help the chickens?
Why not make it official and go vegan? Every person who goes vegan saves the lives of over 200 animals a year – plus it’s better for the environment and your own health.
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