There are more than 3000 species of snakes on the planet. Of these, about 600 are poisonous. Most of them do not attack people unless they are in danger and cannot find a way to escape. However, it is natural to ask which snake is the most venomous in the world, because they are the ones you want to avoid. Their bite is so dangerous that they can kill you even before help arrives.
Scientists measure how venomous a snake is with a toxicology test called the average lethal dose, LD50. This test shows biologists which snakes can kill at least 50% of laboratory animals with a single bite of a muscle. Using this scale, we can determine which snakes are the most venomous in the world. Using this scale, here are ten that climb to the top.
# 10 most venomous snakes in the world – the common Indian krait (Bungarus caeruleus)

Common Indian kraft paper is found in India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Nepal in various territories. This snake, which is usually about 3 feet long, can grow up to 6 feet long. Most of the day he hides in a hole or under a pile of rubble. During the day he is not slow, and at night he becomes very active.
In India, this snake is considered one of the four that kill most people with their venom. When threatened, it bites its victim and holds on to deliver much more venom than a normal snake. Many people think they are okay after being bitten because the bite does not hurt. Therefore, they do not seek immediate medical attention. Later, abdominal pains begin and the person dies.
# 9 The most venomous snakes in the world are the yellow-bellied sea snake (pelamis platurus)

The yellow-bellied sea snake spends most of its life in shallow waters throughout the Pacific Ocean. He usually dies quickly from exhaustion or heat if a storm carries him ashore. Most people do not pose a threat to this species because they are found in different habitats, but its venom is one of the deadliest in the world. He often uses his poison to kill the fish he wants to eat.
# 8 The most venomous snakes in the world – Boomslang (Dyspholidus types)

Boomslang is found in trees throughout much of Africa, especially in Swaziland, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. This snake often attacks its prey without even noticing its approach. Boomslang prefers warm weather and hibernates in bird nests in colder weather. These snakes are very lonely animals and they even use their venom to kill other boomslang snakes when they are hungry. The fangs of this snake are located deeper in the mouth than most snakes. After being bitten, the victim bleeds out because the poison stops the body’s ability to form blood clots.
# 7 Most Venomous Snakes in the World – Tiger Rattlesnake (Crotalus tigris)

The tiger rattlesnake is native to Arizona, California, and northern Mexico. Most tiger rattlesnakes grow from 18 to 36 inches in adulthood and weigh about 16 ounces. He has the smallest head of all rattlesnakes and a huge rattle. It is easily recognizable by its spatulate head. Like other rattlesnakes, it shakes its rattles before attacking. Its venom is the most venomous of all neotropical rattlesnakes. The poison causes the victim’s circulatory system to stop working, so the victim dies of hemorrhage.
# 6 The most venomous snakes in the world – Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis)

The black mamba is found in sub-Saharan Africa in the south and east of Africa. He prefers to create a permanent home, often in a termite mound. Despite the name, these snakes are rarely black. Instead, they are olive, brownish gray, or khaki. Most do not grow more than 9 feet, but rare cases of snakes up to 15 feet have been reported. Unlike many snakes, when a black mamba emerges from an egg, its fangs are fully functional. These snakes can move at speeds up to 12.5 miles per hour. When in a hurry, they keep about 33% of their body above the ground. After being bitten, the person can die within 30 minutes, because the poison paralyzes the victim’s body.
# 5 most venomous snakes in the world – eastern brown snake (Pseudechis textilis)

The eastern brown snake is the most dangerous snake found in Australia. This snake is especially dangerous because it lives in settlements where it can find mice. He is usually 6 to 13 inches long and is also very aggressive. Especially during the winter months, they often share their nests with other snakes. Male brown snakes often fight for the right to impregnate the female. This nervous snake uses its bite more often than most of the deadliest snakes and accounts for the largest number of snakebite deaths in Australia.
# 4 World’s Most Venomous Snakes – Dubois Reef Sea Snake
em>Aipysurus duboisii)

The Dubois reef sea snake lives on coral reefs in the Coral Sea, Arafura Sea, Timor Sea and Indian Ocean near Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia and Australia. They give birth to live young. Although they prefer a diet of seaweed and small fish less than 3.6 feet in length, they bite when provoked. This species is most active at dusk and dawn. It sometimes bites without much provocation, making this snake one of the deadliest snakes in the world.
# 3 World’s Most Venomous Snakes – Inner Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)

The Inner Taipan is found in deeply fractured clays and loams in remote areas of Western Australia. It usually corners prey in a burrow or burrow in the ground before biting it several times in a row. This snake prefers to eat with a long-haired rat. Rattus villosissimus… It will breed more in rainy weather and less frequently during drought. Despite the nickname of this snake Fierce Snake, many trainers consider it a calm snake.
# 2 The World’s Most Venomous Snakes – Russell’s Viper (Hyper russelii)

Russell’s viper kills more people in Sri Lanka, Burma and India than any other snake. This snake is found in open grasslands in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Pakistan, Cambodia, Tibet, China, Taiwan and Indonesia. It is the most venomous land snake in the world. When this snake feels threatened, it lifts the first 33% of its body and makes one of the loudest hissing sounds in the snake kingdom. Although most snakes bite and release, this snake will often hold onto its prey for several seconds. Females give birth to up to 20 snakes that are 8.5 to 10.2 inches long. This is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world, because they prefer a rodent diet, so they often live in civilized areas where mice and rats are found.
No. 1 in terms of the number of venomous snakes in the world – the hooked-nosed sea snake (Enhydrina schistosa)

The most venomous snake in the world is the hook-nosed sea snake. This snake lives in the ocean off the coast of Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Often entangled in fishing nets and biting unsuspecting anglers. He prefers to eat sea catfish, but he will also eat blowfish. Most of them appear to have been born in the murky tidal waters of the Strait of Malacca, which is the main shipping channel from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. They can live there for up to 12 months before moving further out to sea.
These are the most dangerous snakes in the world. If you are going on a trip, find out what are the deadliest snakes you can meet. Then be sure to watch them as you move.