In this article, we will explain the list of habits that make a woman attractive. We will explain both aspects of personality and physical attraction.
Fortunately, changing your personality and increasing your attractiveness based on a dynamic component costs nothing.
1 they have confidence

Many women, no matter how they look, find it difficult to be confident because we subconsciously compare ourselves to others.
We do not love ourselves because we think we are not beautiful enough. We are always influenced by celebrities and social media on Instagram because the beauty of these queens seems physically attractive 24/7 with perfect bodies.
However, I believe you already know this, but I want to remind you that these images are not always 100% natural. You, too, can look like them in photos with the right makeup, clothing, and the right lighting. This is the art of photography.
Believe it. You are beautiful girl. You just need to work on your self-esteem along with the other habits mentioned below. Then your outer beauty will naturally shine. Believe me, your attitude towards yourself will be visible from the outside.
2.they are humble

Insolence is definitely not an attractive trait. It will be visible from the outside.
humble people may seem insecure, overly passive, submissive, or insecure, but this is far from the truth.
in fact, humble people are very confident in themselves and are not afraid to speak up.
How can I become humble?
Basically follow these,
- Listen before you speak – everyone hates a talker or a person who yaps all day thinking that he missed everything.
- Be respectful – in a situation, just by being able to say “please” and “thank you”
- Learn from others – humble, open-minded people. They know they don’t have the answers to all the questions. Therefore, they are not afraid to seek knowledge and learn from others.
3.attractive women always smile

Beautiful and attractive women are always smiling. Research shows that smiling makes you more attractive and beautiful. This is a healthy habit that can increase your chances of a long life.
4. They have a positive attitude.

Having a positive attitude is good for your health and can increase your attractiveness. It gives your skin that extra shine when you wake up every morning. Do you agree that more radiant and youthful skin makes you more attractive?
According to Olay research,
skin aging is determined
20% are internal factors that you cannot control
80% depends on external factors that you can control
How do you control 80%?
There are three important points.
1.the amount of time you spent in the sun (too much sun makes you age)
2. Daily use of SPF (daily application of sunscreen slows down the signs of skin aging).
3. Has a positive psychological attitude.
So, if you want healthy and beautiful skin, you must practice being a positive person.
5) healthy eating

All kinds of fruits, nuts, vegetables, and whole foods are good for your skin.
There are 6 best foods for healthy skin.
- Fatty fish
- Walnuts
- Sweet potato
- Broccoli
- Tomatoes
- Dark chocolate