Without Consent, PETA’s new traveling exhibition challenges human exploitation of animals, revealing a long history of suffering inflicted on dissenting animals in laboratories. The exhibition features nearly 200 stories of animals used in real-life experiments from decades ago to the present. PETA has unveiled the exhibit – a huge display of two 7-by-7-foot cubes – in Washington, DC, where research grants are selected and awarded, and will be showcasing in city centers and campuses across the country.
Anyone can now virtually visit “Without Consent” here and read the stories of animals that have gone through excruciating experiments – including dogs that have been forced to inhale cigarette smoke for months or electrocuted so many times that they even gave up trying to escape, newborns monkeys taken from their mother and raised alone in a “pit of despair” to cause a terrible mental illness, hamsters addicted to street drugs were forced to fight, mice were slaughtered while they were alive and awake, and cats were stunned, drowned and paralyzed …
Humans are just one of many species, and it would be a layman to believe that we have the right to experiment on other animals, using the mistaken excuse that it might help human patients. Animals are not objects that we can use – they are people, just like us. When we look into the eyes of an animal, someone is looking at us, and not something else – someone who feels hunger, thirst, pain, fear, joy and love and who makes decisions, has preferences, overcomes difficulties, and uses language (even though we may not be able to express it or understand it).
We cannot change history, but we can help create a better future.
Currently, tens of millions of living, sentient beings like us are held captive in laboratories throughout the United States. They are deprived of everything that could make their joyless life worthwhile. They are constantly poked, poked, biopsied, infected, injected and taken away from them. Many of them are kept in isolation in steel cages with nothing to do or see. Almost all of them will be killed if they survived the conditions of life and trials.
There is a better way – and it was developed by the PETA scientists. The Research Modernization Agreement sets out an action plan and strategy to end animal experimentation and research related to humans. We sent it to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal agencies, with the exception of the Environmental Protection Agency, which was already working with our scientists to begin phasing out animal testing.