Do plants have protein? Is becoming a vegan expensive? Is it hard to go vegan? If you think you know the answer to these frequently asked questions about veganism, take a step further and try this vegan nutrition quiz!
- It’s right! All plants contain protein. In fact, plant-based foods can provide you with all the nutrients you need and are naturally cholesterol-free, making them a great choice for improving your health. Unlike animal protein sources, plant based protein sources contain healthy fiber and complex carbohydrates. Animal products are often high in artery-clogging cholesterol and saturated fat, and have been linked to some types of cancer. You don’t need to eat them to maintain good health.
- It’s a lie! While vegan food can be extremely healthy, a vegan lifestyle is about not following a specific diet or achieving a specific health goal – not harming animals, including eating them. To get an idea of the variety of vegan eating styles, search for “whole foods, plant-based foods” and “unhealthy vegan foods.” You will see that anyone can be a vegan! If you are interested in following a healthy vegan diet, we recommend reading Vegan Starter Kit: Everything You Need to Know About a Plant-Based Diet.
- Nope! Many restaurants have vegan options on the menu or they can prepare vegan options for you if you request them. Try looking for restaurants at You can also find options by Google “vegan options” at [insert restaurant]»To learn how to order a vegan dinner away from home.
- It’s right! Animals that are used for food suffer greatly throughout their lives, and then they are slaughtered. The industry is trying to sell the idea of humane treatment to make consumers feel better by eating animals or otherwise supporting their exploitation, but the only truly humane products are vegan. Learn more about how chickens and cows suffer from eggs and dairy products at
- It’s a lie! Anyone can cook or buy delicious animal-free meals. Find vegan food ideas online, such as on social media, or browse vegan cookbooks for recipes and other information.
- It’s right! There are books, websites, documentaries, and many other resources about vegan life. You can also seek support from other vegans: check social media for virtual groups, or search sites like Joining or starting a community animal rights group is a great way to meet like-minded people and win victories for animals at the same time. Encourage everyone you know to get one-on-one advice on PETA’s Vegan Mentoring Program: sign up for a mentor now!
- No, becoming a vegan is easy! Vegetarian menus are popping up in restaurants all over the place, and more and more grocery stores are stocking up on delicious dairy-free and lean foods in addition to staple vegan foods like pasta, beans, rice, tofu, and vegetables that they always carry around. It’s especially easy to be a vegan with our huge database of vegan recipes and our free vegan starter kit with transition tips.
- It’s a lie! Healthy
and vegan food is easy on a tight budget, and over time, the money you save with every trip to the grocery store by swapping out hard-earned (and expensive) foods for cheap vegan foods will grow. Some of the more versatile vegan foods, including beans, rice, vegetables, tofu, and pasta, are relatively inexpensive compared to animal products.
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The Ultimate Vegan Eating Quiz first appeared on the PETA website.