An entitled brat got an unexpected consequence while sitting in front of a Michigan judge. Unfortunately for the punk, she thought it would be a good idea to laugh while the court official was handing down a sentence – and that’s about the time that the judge would wipe the smug grin off the woman’s face for good.
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An entitled brat (left) was laughing while Judge Qiana Lillard (right) was handing down a sentence.
The final day of court was winding down for Amanda Kosal after her decision to drive while intoxicated. According to reports, the woman struck an SUV head-on, killing 31-year-old Jerome Zirker and severely injuring his fiancé, 31-year-old Brittany Johnson.
Kosal pleaded guilty to the charges of operating under the influence causing death and was set to be sentenced. However, her last day in court wouldn’t exactly go according to plan after the woman’s family had all come to support her as she was sentenced to 3-15 years behind bars. Unfortunately, things would take a turn as a few of Kosal’s family members in the seating area began to laugh.
Although Judge Qiana Lillard kicked one man out of the courtroom for his disgusting behavior, the court official seemed particularly irritated by the next woman she forced to leave. Within just mere moments of the entitled brat leaving the courtroom, Judge Lillard called her back in.
Making sure to wipe the smug grin off the woman’s face for good, the Judge sentenced her to 93 days in jail for criminal contempt. She then made it clear to everyone else in the courtroom why she had the woman arrested and demonstrated that such behavior would not be tolerated by saying:
“I understand that you all are very upset because your loved one is going to prison but guess what, she’s going to prison for the choices that she made. These people are here grieving, saddened because a senseless act took away their loved one and you’re sitting here acting like it’s a joke? Not in courtroom 502, not today and not any other day.”
Seemingly unfazed by the fact that she was about to spend the next three months in jail, the now irritated brat then decided to express her displeasure with what had just happened – but the judge wasn’t having any of it. While watching the woman be taken away by court officers, Lillard lastly told the smug punk, “Your mouth got you 93 days.”
There are a lot of problems in the world today, but most of them seem to center around a lack of respect. We’re seeing it with adults, and worse yet, we’re seeing that these idiots are passing along the destructive mindset to their children. This behavior is unacceptable and enabling it is even worse.
Fortunately, we have people out there like Judge Lillard who are willing to be the “tough parent” that these punks never had. Too bad for them, they’re going to wish they got the rod because consequences as a spoiled adult are a little more severe.