In India, we started celebrating November 14 as Children’s Day since 1964 in memory of our late Prime Minister Pandit Jawahar Lala Nehru, as he was especially fond of children. Prior to that, we celebrated Children’s Day on 20 November, which was celebrated by the United Nations as World Children’s Day. The main goal was to raise awareness among people about their rights, care and education of our children.
Let’s celebrate this day on a positive note because when we visit the desert, we always love to see bird chicks as well as tiger / leopard cubs or deer stags, etc. in the wild.
In the desert of people, every parent wants to have children to continue the family tree and develop their family, and also many times to achieve certain goals / objectives through children that they could not achieve.
Enjoy the company of cubs with a mother shot at the Ranthambore Tiger Sanctuary in Rajasthan in May 2019, and a godfather with his peaches in Delhi in October 2018, and a baby elephant with his mother from Rajaji National Park in Utrahand state, filmed in 2015.