A 911 operator answers an emergency call and hears nothing except a weak fuzzy, sound on the other end of the line, instead of dismissing it as an important, he notifies the cops to arrive at the house and discover a woman and Dire Straits along with her toddler. 9-1-1, what’s your emergency as the dispatcher, there was no response on the other end of the line, my audible, can you tell me what’s going on again no response? The dispatcher was ready to hang up when he heard a faint sound on the line he located. The address and it wasn’t far Stacy Adams 21st Street. Can you tell me what’s going on?
Are you in danger? I have your address right here in front of me. He added, but no one responded. The dispatcher didn’t hang up thinking. The call was important and the caller may be in danger and he tried to draw hints about what the call was about.
If you can’t talk, can you at least offer me a hint? He asked there’s no need to be concerned. A unit is on its way, but there was no response again this time. Only a faint, sound concerned about the severity of the situation. He remained on the line until the authorities arrived at the address by Chance.
The unit closest to the address was manned by Officer Matthews and her partner officer Beckham. The cops knocked on the door as soon as they arrived, but there was no answer. Guess we’ll have to break the door officer. Beckham suggested clothes are hanging in the backyard and the home lights are turned on, the house isn’t deserted. Alright, then officer Matthews nodded in the two officers broke open the door.
Hello is anyone home officer, Matthews called out as they entered, and suddenly they heard a sound from the upstairs room. Stay alert someone’s there. The two officers carefully ascended the stairs to the upstairs room. Where they discovered a toddler playing with a phone in his hands Jesus, a kid, they gently entered the room, looking for an intruder and received the shock of their lives and they got closer to the crib. A woman was lying unconscious on the floor, and the child was beside her playing with her phone she’s alive officer.
Matthews, said: checking her pulse call the ambulance. After calling the paramedics officer, Beckham scooped the toddler in his arms, while officer Matthews tried to stir the woman up, she got some water from the kitchen and made her lie down on the bed and slashed some water on her face. Ma’Am are you okay? She asked, as she saw the woman’s eyes, move a little eventually. The woman opened her eyes.
The paramedics thankfully arrived on the scene by then and checked on her. It turns out she had collapsed due to low blood pressure and stress they reminded her to take her medications on time. Before leaving my husband, the woman, told the officers once the paramedics left. I told him I wasn’t feeling well in the morning, but he just left me alone, I’m so tired of everything officers. This Mary marriage, never mind, I’m so glad you two came here on time, but I don’t know how the call went through.
I didn’t press the call button. Well, someone did Officer Beckham said gently rocking the toddler in his arms. Probably your little one who got it was Aiden. The woman cried. I did dial 9-1-1, but I don’t remember what happened after that.
It was all a blur. It was time to feed Aiden, so I came to the room and I guess I fainted, I think Aiden pressed a button while playing with a phone. Perhaps that’s why the dispatcher didn’t pick up on anything crucial on the call officer. Matthew speculated, are you sure you’re all right now, please, let us know if you require any help, I’m a mother too, and I know looking after children’s no joke. That’S really considerate of you officers, the woman said I’m Stella By the way, I guess I’ll manage from here.
Once again. Thank you for saving my life. I appreciate your assistance. You should thank your son ma’am. If you didn’t press the button, we would have never known officer, Beckham said and yeah one more thing.
Relationships start giving us pain it’s better to step out of it, rather than try to make it work. Take care after the officers left Stella burst into tears. It was true, her relationship with her husband was just giving her pain. He neither cared for her nor their son. What was the point of even staying together?
She hadn’t told the officers the whole story, but she was over her husband long ago. She tolerated him because she didn’t want Aiden to grow up without a father, but that day mate Stella realized. There was no point in continuing like that: we’re getting a divorce. She told her husband when he returned home. He was still buzzed from the party with his buddies and he didn’t take Stella seriously come on babe, you can’t be serious.
Will you go if you leave me on to your parents, you never want to look after you and Aiden. You want to die of poverty. Huh well Harry she shot back, it’s not like being with. You is any good either. My son deserves a better life, so keep doing your party’s get-togethers and drinking in broad daylight, while not working and living off from your savings, but I’m done with you.
I hope we never meet again that day, Stella left her husband and never returned to him. True, her parents were not wealthy enough to take good care of her and Aiden, but she had people with her who cared so slowly with their support. Her life started changing for the better and she was able to get a job and stand on her fate. Ten years had passed since that day and Stella’s life only changed for the better. She never kept anything from her son who’s still too young to understand everything, but he knows what his mother did was for their own good.