For immediate release:
May 12, 2021
Brooke Rossi 202-483-7382
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. – Because Starbucks agrees that animal-safe vegan milk is better for the planet. but still charges extra for themPETA protesters walk into the chain’s N. Downer Avenue store tomorrow with an extremely realistic calf stand inserted into a Starbucks cup guaranteed to stop shoppers.
When: May 13, Thursday, 12 noon
Where: Starbucks, 2551 N. Downer Ave. (at the intersection with E. Webster Place), Milwaukee
“Starbucks milks customers who care about animals and the planet,” said PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman. “Beyond cow abuse, dairy farming is an ecological disaster with methane emissions and deforestation for pasture, so PETA is urging the company to put its money where its mouth is and put vegan milk at or below the price. cow’s milk.”
Dairy farms are part of livestock production, a major cause of water pollution, ocean dead zones, species extinction and habitat destruction. By some estimates, it also produces more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire global transport sector.
Every person who goes vegan lowers their carbon footprint and saves the lives of nearly 200 animals each year. In the dairy industry, cows are artificially inseminated: workers insert a hand into the animal’s rectum and a metal rod into the vagina – and send them to slaughter when their bodies fail.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority.
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