For immediate release:
March 26, 2021
David Pearl 202-483-7382
San Antonio – Led by a costumed killer whale, members of the Student Resistance to Species (SOS) – PETA-backed and youth-led rebellion against the archaic notion that humans are superior to other animals and can be used for entertainment – will gather outside SeaWorld on Saturday. demand that the company end its dirty breeding programs and send the dolphins and whales it uses to coastal reserves. The protest is part of a nationwide “day of action” that also includes SOS protests in Orlando, Florida and San Diego.
When: Saturday, March 27, 10:00 AM
Where: Main entrance to SeaWorld, 10500 Sea World Dr. (near the intersection of Westover Hills and N. Allison Drive), San Antonio
“Students have spent a year in isolation due to COVID-19, but they object to SeaWorld’s practice of restricting killer whales to small concrete cages for their the whole life“Says PETA director Rachelle Owen. “Students demand that these animals be given some semblance of natural life, and they are allowed to dive deeply and communicate with others like themselves in the seaside reserve.”
The SOS Center in San Antonio has repeatedly protested against SeaWorld, urging the company to end forced breeding of dolphins and whales and release all marine mammals in its parks, which are contained in small concrete pools where they often fight incompatible tank mates and swim in them. endless circles and erase their teeth, gnawing at the sides and metal gates of the cisterns – to the seaside sanctuaries.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to be used for entertainment” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to PETA on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…