For immediate release:
11 February 2021
Moira Collie 202-483-7382
Angels – Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Palm Springs and How I Met your mother star Christine Milioti brings the glamor of Old Hollywood to a pair of new PETA commercials featuring a “date” with her adopted dog Rupert.
And in a companion new PETA video, Milioti suggests some hard love, looking for every possible excuse to buy a purebred puppy from a pet store or breeder instead of picking up a dog from a shelter. Want the breed you’ve seen on Instagram? “Never make big decisions about the crap you see on the Internet!” Do you think buying an animal is the fastest way? “If you don’t have the stamina to apply for adoption and answer a few simple questions, then you may not have the patience to take care of a living, breathing animal.”
An estimated 70 million dogs and cats in the US remain homeless at any given time. Only about 10% of them end up in animal shelters, many of whom are forced to undergo euthanasia for humane reasons or because there are simply not enough suitable homes for them. “[E]the very space occupied by the purchased dog means less space for dogs like Rupert, ”explains Milioti. “And we must live in a world where all the Ruperts can find a loving home!”
That’s why Milioti – along with Emma Kenny, John Stamos, Tom Hardy, Theo Rossi, Gregg Salkin and many more – has teamed up with PETA to promote animal adoption, and she even has some Valentine’s Day-appropriate tips for those who looking for a specific breed: “a life hack called”. “It has the same filters as Tinder,” she says, “but these puppies won’t see you in the olive garden.”
PETA’s motto, in particular, is that “animals are not ours to abuse them in any way,” and the group opposes racism, which is a worldview based on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…