After her dismal performance at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night, pop diva Britney Spears stunned the audience again by displaying her pantyless private parts at a paparazzi photographer.
Britney Spears steps into a limousine after leaving a Las Vegas hotel in MTV Awards night. A paparazzi photos revealed she does not wear undies under the little black dress. Photo by
As she shimmied out of a limo at the Luxor Hotel, Spears gave lensmen her finest viewpoint. She donned the darkest of shades despite the fact that it was late at night. But who wouldn’t have bleary eyes after a few days of partying?
Someone who was present says, “She showed up at rehearsal 3½ hours late. And she walks in with a frozen margarita! It was so disrespectful. The network took a big gamble having her open the show.”
While she was criticized for hitting the stage at the VMAs in only her underwear, she made news for removing them later–when a WENN photographer found her without them.
According to a publication, Spears arrived at the Luxor club about 1 a.m. and drank two vodka-sodas and a kamikaze or two within a half-hour.
“She just kept saying, ‘Y’all, this is so much fun,’” a source said.
This isn’t the first time the blond beauty has been photographed without underpants. Britney bared all to a photographer who caught her at a night party with Paris Hilton in November of last year.
Spears made the blunder just hours after disappointing the VMA audience with a fragmented and highly criticized return performance of her new single “Gimme More,” her first major public appearance in four years.
“What is she thinking? She’s a mother of two and here she is flashing her goods to the world,” an insider told Wenn.
The performance came after a tumultuous year in which she was sent to treatment after shaving her head in public after her second marriage fell apart.
When Spears married Kevin Federline in 2004 and had two children, she put her singing career on hold.