Message from
By John Robbins:
When it comes to food and your health, the stakes are growing exponentially. Every day, news stories appear in the headlines demonstrating how important it is to take care of your health. If there ever was a time when we needed to stay informed and healthy, then this is right now.
The world faces a number of serious challenges related to global health challenges and widespread fear. The truth is, eat right and optimizing your immune system is more important than ever.
But we live in a toxic food culture.
Junk food companies are spending billions of dollars trying to keep us hooked.
And in all the years of medical school, most doctors learn little about food or nutrition.
The modern diet is fueling epidemics of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, asthma and hypertension – all known risk factors for increasing the likelihood of hospitalization with COVID-19 and more.
It’s time to get up and be a change!
That is why we created this virtual Summit. This way you can get the latest information, get involved, become even healthier than you are now, and contribute to be part of the solution.
I have hand-selected each expert that we have invited to participate in this Summit. I read their books and articles, immersed myself deeply in their research and formulated the exact questions I want to ask in order to get to the bottom of their specific knowledge.
How does participation work?
During the Food Revolution Summit, you will hear 24 focused, over 45 minutes of interviews I conducted with our brilliant panel of experts. They will be streamed free of charge during the Summit. Following the broadcast of each interview, Ocean will share its main findings and answer questions from the summit participants.
What if you miss a presentation?
No problem. There are recordings, transcripts, and many other resources available to you as part of the optional service pack.
So please join us to stay informed and advocate for your health and healthy, ethical and sustainable food for everyone!
And please invite your friends and family to the 2021 Food Revolution Summit.
I promise you will feel full, inspired, and energized!