For immediate release:
March 22, 2021
Moira Collie 202-483-7382
Manheim, PA – Less than 48 hours after PETA asked Ron Kreider, president and CEO of local dairy farm Kreider Farms, for one of his publicly advertised farm tours, noting that he shouldn’t have any concerns given the recent appropriation of his “Humane Certification” Company – Kreider Farms has revised its website to indicate that tours are “suspended until further notice.” The farm did not respond to PETA’s request.
“The humane laundry used by animal harm companies is designed to trick well-meaning people into thinking they are making good choices when in fact they support cruelty,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “If Kreider Farms has nothing to hide, it should let people who really know the difference between happy animals and unhappy ones take a look.”
Consumers are invariably shocked to learn that it is standard practice in the dairy industry – and permitted in “humane” certified farms – to artificially inseminate female cows (by physically holding them and inserting a hand into the rectum and a metal rod into the vagina), so that they will to produce milk for sale to people. Their favorite offspring are usually taken away – males are slaughtered for veal, and females suffer the same fate as their mothers, they are used as milk machines until their bodies are broken and they are sent to slaughter.
PETA notes that the only truly humane food is vegan food, and offers a free vegan starter kit with tips, recipes and more to help anyone switch to dairy-free milk, ice cream and cow-safe cheeses. …
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat,” opposes specisism, which is a worldview focused on human excellence. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…