For immediate release:
April 28, 2021
Moira Collie 202-483-7382
Las Vegas – After PETA told 8 billion trees that the wool industry is hurting sheep and contributing to the climate crisis, the carbon offset company quickly agreed to replace wool dryer balls – the only product in its catalog made from animal materials. As a token of gratitude, PETA is sending the company a sheep-shaped box of vegan chocolates.
“The wool industry emits pollutants, contributes to climate change and terrorizes delicate sheep, so wool is not suitable for everyone who cares about the planet or animals,” says PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman. “8 Billion Trees are rights that stop selling wool products and PETA asks kind-hearted consumers to do their part by sticking to animal-free products.”
Since 2014, PETA has published 14 revelations documenting sheep abuse at 117 sheep shearing plants across four continents. The latest revelation of the wool industry – sheep farms in Australia, the world’s largest wool exporter – shows workers standing on the sheep’s necks, slapping the sheep in the face, kicking them, cutting off chunks of their skin and leaving many with bleeding wounds.
Wool is also an ecological nightmare: sheep are ruminants whose digestive system constantly produces methane, a greenhouse gas 25 times stronger than carbon dioxide. The Higg Materials Sustainability Index data show that wool has a much greater impact on global warming than synthetic materials due to greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing.
PETA – whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human excellence. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…