Having already uncovered the horror that determines the living and death conditions of monkeys at the University of Washington’s National Primate Research Center (WaNPRC) at the University of Washington (UW), PETA checked public records to uncover additional animal cruelty in the school’s laboratories. What we found was astounding in both sweep and frequency.
PETA has asked the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for records of federal animal welfare violations in the school’s labs because UW’s experiments are largely funded your tax dollars.
Tell UW You Don’t Want To Misuse Tax Funding
At UW, experimenters allow animals to starve and die of dehydration. They gave them the wrong dose of medication and gave them too little or no pain relief. Unskilled experimenters operated on vulnerable animals. Some animals not receiving pain relievers had their tails cut open, exposing their spinal cords. One monkey had an arm amputated and some of the animals survived the unfortunate gas poisoning that should have killed them, among many other horrors.
Page after page, evidence of the total indifference of UW experimenters to living, sentient beings leaps out of documents obtained by PETA. The numbers speak for themselves:
Between November 2017 and June 2020, there were 68 documented incidents in which animals in UW were seriously injured or killed – almost one per month. Abuse and neglect is frequent, widespread, and has affected mice, rats, crows, pigs, ferrets, frogs, monkeys, fish, and others.
There have been 37 separate abuses involving hundreds of mice and rats that have been killed or euthanized due to abuse or negligence. During an incident in June 2020, five mice were not receiving pain medication before their tails were clipped. One had to undergo surgery because after the experimenters did not follow the approved protocols, the spine was exposed.
Many other animals have died because the UW experimenters and others did not notice that they had no access to food or water – sometimes for several days – or they were sick and needed immediate veterinary attention.
There have been 15 incidents involving monkeys, including one in April 2019, in which the experimenters did not make sure the monkey was hungry the night before surgery. This monkey choked on vomit and died. In July 2020, another man had his left arm amputated after he escaped from the cage and was crippled by another monkey in the cage. Another slowly bled out overnight after a veterinarian punched her femoral artery while drawing blood.
In one incident in September 2019, 10 ferrets in a head-banging experiment received a higher impact force to the skull than was approved, causing one of them to die.
With fish, things are no better. In one incident in April 2019, 274 zebrafish suffocated when a careless employee used the wrong carbon particles to filter a tank. In November 2017, several zebrafish underwent surgery by untrained and unskilled personnel.
UW must immediately shut down WaNPRC and send the surviving monkeys to respected safe havens.
All animals tortured or killed in WaNPRC UW are or were sentient beings capable of feeling fear and pain. While this may come as a surprise to UW experimenters, it is not laboratory equipment. The negligence, incompetence, and cruelty found in the NIH documents are widespread. UW Labs must be closed immediately.
You are welcome take action quickly to help end animal torture in labs everywhere.