Why on earth this an exciting new feature-length documentary by renowned animal advocate and director Katie Cleary that takes a comprehensive look at our current position as a people; disclosure of many problems that affect our natural world and the animals that inhabit it.
Three years of work on this powerful documentary were filmed on RED by photography director Hunter Nolan in five countries, including South Africa, Kenya and Indonesia. The film includes many exclusive interviews with renowned leaders in animal welfare and conservation, including other directors and animal advocates. Clint Eastwood.
Why on earth Establishes a vital link between humans and animals with rarely seen footage of rapid deforestation in Borneo and Sumatra due to the careless and inhuman extraction of palm oil and the rescue of endangered orangutans in Indonesia.
“The film illuminates the minds of these beautiful animals and how by harming them we end up hurting ourselves, and conversely, by caring for them, we begin a healing process that ultimately helps us all,” said Cleary, whose previous award-winning documentary, Give me shelter debuted on Netflix in 2015. Cleary is also the founder of an animal welfare organization, The world of 4 animals, and its popular animal news network, World animal news.
LR Why On Earth filmmakers Katie Cleary, Damien Mander and Wimbay Kumire of the International Anti-Poaching Foundation, photography director Hunter Nolan and writer Christine Rizzo
Why on earth demonstrates declining shark populations in South Africa as a result of the illegal shark fin trade, as well as the ongoing poaching of nearly extinct populations of African rhinos, elephants and lions throughout Africa. The film also details the challenges these species face on the ground and how legislation is being passed to protect them in the United States. The film also explores the connection between humans, animals and plant-based movement.
“Intense interviews highlight the benefits of avoiding animal and animal byproducts while uncovering the horrors of industrial animal husbandry that are detrimental to our overall health as a society,” Cleary continued.
“Our goal is to educate the public about the steps they can take every day to improve our planet, as well as the animals with whom we share this. We believe that this film will be a significant catalyst for change for the future and the well-being of our Earth as a whole, ”said Christine Rizzo, writer of Why On Earth.
Clint Eastwood (Actor, Director, Animal Defender) Leilani Munter (Racer, What health), MaggieQ (Actress, Animal Welfare Advocate) Christine Bauer (Actress, animal welfare and law advocate) John Sully (Former NBA star, animal welfare and law advocate) Shannon Elizabeth (Actress, Animal Welfare Advocate) David Verburg (Olympic gold medalist), and And Richardson (Actor, Wildlife Conservation Specialist) is among the famous names Cleary has interviewed in the documentary.
Why there are also exciting interviews on Earth with Damien Mander (Founder International Fund Against Poaching) along with his historic all-female anti-poaching team, He is brave, and Dr. Birute Mara Galdikas (President and co-founder International Orangutan Foundation), Petronel Newwoodt (Founder Wild Rhino Sanctuary Care), Alison Towner (Marine biologist, Save Our Seas Foundation), Paul Hilton (Reserve photographer, Racing extinction), Jim Abernathy (Ecologist, photographer, filmmaker), Sean Heinrichs (Operator, Racing extinction), Wilfred Chiwell (General director Marine dynamics), Ian Singleton (Program director, Eco Bread), Panut Hadisisvoyo (Founder Orangutan Information Center), and a compassionate team in David Sheldrick Wildlife Fund.
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