For immediate release:
March 9, 2021
Nicole Meyer 202-483-7382
Arlington, Arizona. – In honor of the more than 165,000 birds that burned to death when two huge chicken sheds were destroyed by fire on Saturday at a facility owned by Hickman’s Family Farms, the largest egg producer in Arizona, PETA plans to place a billboard in the area … pointing out who is responsible for their death: everyone who is still buying eggs.
“Each of these chickens was an individual who certainly felt pain and fear as the smoke and flames engulfed them,” says PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman. “PETA is urging everyone not to let tens of thousands of birds cram into barns in the first place by taking the easy step of becoming a vegan.”
Chickens used to produce eggs are kept in cramped barns where each bird has no more than a square foot of space. Few of the households spend energy installing smoke detectors or fire alarm systems, as they believe that the life of birds does not matter much. When chickens’ bodies wear out and are no longer profitable, egg producers place them in metal crates and roughly carbonate them with anxiety and pain, or send them to slaughterhouses where workers slit their throats, often while they are still conscious and scald many. in tanks.
PETA notes that the transition to veganism saves animals a lot of suffering and helps prevent future epidemics and pandemics. SARS, swine flu, avian flu, and COVID-19 all arose from keeping and killing animals for food.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “animals are not ours to eat,” is opposed to specisism, a human superiority worldview that sees other species as nothing more than a commodity. For more information please visit…