For immediate release:
April 15, 2021
David Pearl 202-483-7382
Wellsville, Utah “Armed with video footage of a rowdy crowd surrounding cubs being kept in an empty cubicle at a recent local baby animal show, PETA sent a letter to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) this morning calling for an investigation in Rexburg, Idaho. , exhibitor at the Yellowstone Bear World (YBW) for flagrant violations of the Federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA).
This violates the AWA of causing animals “unnecessary discomfort”, but YBW showed homeless cubs to the paying public for four days in a box that did not contain a bowl of water, bedding, soft substrate, or any shelter from the cacophony of the crowd – a known stressor that interfere with the cubs’ sleep, which further impairs their physical and psychological health. In one cub, hair thinning is a condition associated with parasitic infestation or inadequate nutrition and exacerbated by stress, which PETA believes requires a veterinary check-up.
“These cubs need to sleep comfortably under the supervision of their mothers and not be displayed as props,” says Dr. Monica Bando, a wildlife veterinarian for the PETA Foundation. “PETA is asking the authorities to prevent Yellowstone Bear World from stressing the cubs by using them as attractions without caring about their needs.”
Each year, YBW breeds cubs and separates them from their mothers – with whom they would be in nature for at least two years – for just a few weeks so they can use them on shows like this. When the cubs grow too large to handle, the business sends them to other roadside zoos or exotic animal wholesalers, and sends some to the infamous Joe Exotic from King of tigers… Over the past decade, YBW has also sent at least 65 cubs and 19 adult bears to Gregg Woody, an Illinois broker known to send bears for slaughter.
PETA has also notified the Utah Wildlife Authority of its concerns as the state requires animals to be handled in accordance with USDA regulations.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to be used for entertainment” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…