Jesus was not known for his powdery mouth. He was not here to tap-dance around important issues – he was here to change the world. He did not gently suggest to the money changers in the temple that perhaps they should start looking for an alternative location. He turned over their tables, made a whip and kicked them out.
Jesus was bold. He was passionate. He defended the weak and the oppressed and fought for good. As Christians, we are called to do the same.
In this spirit, PETA LAMBS is releasing a free printed Easter card with a bold and passionate message to protect some of the most vulnerable among us: animals. Inside the postcard is an excerpt from a poem by British writer, playwright and animal advocate Heidi Stevenson, entitled “The Great Renewal.”
Her words raise some questions:
How can we celebrate the victory of life over death by paying for even greater death?
Why do we go to church in the morning and sing the praises of the Lamb of God that was slain for our sins, and during the day we become complicit in the sin of murder?
Are we not better than the temple money changers who are so consumed with their greedy desires that we don’t realize that what we are doing is wrong?
Jesus is undoubtedly shocked and saddened by the cruel treatment of God’s animals on farms and slaughterhouses. Sentient beings – as sensitive as our beloved dogs and cats – are neutered and branded, they are forcibly impregnated on “rape racks”, pieces of their beaks are chopped off or sensitive corneal tissue is removed from their heads, metal pipes are rammed into their throats, and denied the opportunity to express all the instincts given to them by God that matter to them. They are beaten, kicked, sexually assaulted, thrown like eggs, and shocked to get them into trucks heading for slaughterhouses where their throats are slashed.
Proverbs 12:10 tells us this:
“The righteous one cares about the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.”
In other words, God is not kind to cruelty to animals. Those who righteously care for and protect animals. But for the wicked who abuse them, one act of mercy doesn’t really matter to God. There is nothing righteous about the brutality of the meat industry. As followers of Christ, we must reject him – at Easter and throughout the year.
If you’ve been trying to find a way to start a conversation about becoming a vegan with your Christian loved ones and you’re ready to be brave like Christ, download our free Easter cards today.