For immediate release:
May 14, 2021
Moira Collie 202-483-7382
Angels – PETA sent a letter to The Offspring vocalist Dexter Holland today asking him to immediately film the music video for We Never Have Sex Anymore due to the blatant exploitation of chimpanzees. In it, two chimpanzees are dressed up and made to arrange a chaotic set, including a set that looks like a strip club, where one is depicted drinking, knocking over dancers and swaying on a pole in bright light.
“In the 90s, we all lose sight of a lot of things, but among them there is no exploitation of animals,” writes Lauren Thomasson, senior manager of PETA Animals in Film and Television. “Every minute your video goes online, you risk legitimizing a violent industry, supporting the exotic animal trade, and reversing the years of animal welfare work that has nearly ended the use of chimpanzees in Hollywood.”
The primates were reportedly supplied by Steve Martin’s company Working Wildlife, a notorious educational institution that has been cited by the USDA on multiple occasions for violations of federal animal welfare laws, including locking chimpanzees in cramped and barren flophouses for up to up to 18 hours a day and if animals do not have adequate shelter from the weather, proper ventilation, clean cages and proper feeding. Martin also has experience in getting rid of chimpanzees at roadside zoos.
PETA, whose motto is, “Animals are not ours to be used for entertainment,” notes that the consequences of this music video could be disastrous. This not only normalizes the disrespect and exploitation of highly intelligent and sensitive primates, but it could also increase black market demand for endangered great apes as pets, one of the main driving forces leading to extinction.
PETA stands against racism, a worldview based on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…