For immediate release:
February 24, 2021
Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382
Queens, New York – After US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez promise to become a vegetarian for Lent honoring late vegan son Jamie Ruskin PETA supporters give away free vegan fish filletlet’s– from her own Bodega No Carne in the Bronx – in her neighborhood today.
When: Thursday 25 February 12 noon
Where: Roosevelt Avenue – MTA Jackson Heights Station (junction 74th and 75th streets), Jackson Heights, Queens
“We’ve learned enough about fish to know that each one feels pain, has a different personality and wants to keep swimming, so we empathize with them by choosing delicious vegan dishes that keep the fish alive,” says PETA’s president. Ingrid Newkirk. “Tommy Ruskin has spent his life passionately protecting all animals, and the distribution of gifts from PETA will help Representative Ocasio-Cortez ‘bring people with him’ as requested by Representative Ruskin.”
Without any legal protection against abuse, fish are pierced, crushed, suffocated, or cut and gutted while they are still conscious. There are many varieties of artificial fish available today, such as Gardein’s Fishless Filets, May Wah’s Golden Fish Fillets and new plant-based shrimp from New Wave Foods.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat,” opposes specisism, which is a worldview focused on human excellence. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…