For immediate release:
May 22, 2021
David Pearl 202-483-7382
Arcadia, California. – See the following statement by PETA Senior Vice President Katy Guillermo regarding the California Horse Racing Council’s refusal to suspend Coach Bob Buffert, whose Medina Spirit horse failed a drug test after the Kentucky Derby. Buffert was temporarily banned from visiting Churchill Downs, as well as the Belmont, Aqueduct and Saratoga tracks in New York:
The California Horse Racing Council let the horses down again by letting trainer Bob Buffert race today in Santa Anita. The council did not put any restrictions on Buffert when seven horses in his barn dropped dead, when he injected thyroxine to horses that did not have thyroid disease, and when Justify tested positive for scopolamine. Despite more than 30 drug-related irregularities, Buffert still puts horses on the rails, and the board’s refusal to remove a trainer is as despicable and indicative as it is dangerous.
PETA – whose motto, among other things, is that “animals do not belong to us to be used for entertainment or abuse in other ways” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…