For immediate release:
April 7, 2021
David Pearl 202-483-7382
Sacramento, California. – See the following statement by PETA Senior Vice President Cathy Guillermo regarding the California Senate vote against the re-appointment of Wendy Mitchell to the California Horse Racing Council:
I never spoke to Wendy Mitchell and PETA never contacted her directly, but over the past few months it has become clear to us that the California Horse Racing Council has failed to deliver on the promised changes to protect horses. The board violated the whipping ban, failed to suspend races in Los Alamitos as promised despite several deaths, and took no action to kick crooked coaches out of the race. The California board and, apparently, the California legislature remain indebted to the old guard in the race, which sees abuse and death as normal business practices, rather than listening to the public demanding change. PETA will not sit still as the death toll rises. Legislators can expect to hear from our 700,000 supporters in the state.
PETA – whose motto, among other things, is that “animals do not belong to us to be used for entertainment or abuse in other ways” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…