What can make Pacifica flower packaging even more beautiful? Cruelty free PETA rabbit logo. And soon you will notice it there. PETA is delighted to welcome Pacifica as our newest member of Beauty Without Bunnies. Pacifica will proudly take its place on our list of over 1,300 animal testing-free companies, and our rabbit logo will proudly take its place. this is a place among the fields of flowers at Pacifica Products.
Pacifica has always prided itself on combining perfumes and cosmetics “made with love”. That’s why, from its founding in the kitchens of its founders to becoming a globally recognized and sought-after brand available on national chains such as Target and Whole Foods, Pacifica has always been 100% vegan. It was only a matter of time before PETA and Pacifica merged animal welfare companies.
When shopping for the holiday, be a bunny rabbit and be sure to shop cruelty-free. PETA has made it easy with our online searchable database of companies that do and do business. no animal test and our Global Cruelty-Free Shopping Guide, which we’ll gladly send you for free.
Khmelevoy shopping!