For immediate release:
May 7, 2021
Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382
Chicago – For Mother’s Day, a pair of 8-foot PETA “babies” will hand out free mouth-watering vegan ice cream sandwiches and boxes of creamy chocolate and vanilla almond milk. They will indicate that cow’s milk is for babies.cows babies – and that people can show compassion for cows by choosing milk, ice cream, yoghurts and cheeses made from soy, nuts, oats and other plants.
When: Saturday, 8 May, 12 noon
Where: Jane M. Byrne Plaza (near the intersection of E. Tower Court and E. Pearson Streets), Chicago
“Cows love their babies like all mothers do, and they cry for them for days after the dairy industry steals their calves,” says Daniel Katz, director of PETA campaigns. “PETA encourages everyone to show a little love for animal families by opting for coconut yogurt or oat milk latte on Mother’s Day and more.”
PETA notes that dairy workers artificially inseminate cows by inserting a hand into the rectum and a metal rod in the vagina, and then separating them from newborn babies so that milk destined for calves can be packaged and sold to humans. instead. Males are crammed into cramped veal boxes, while most female calves suffer the same fate as their mothers: they are forced to produce milk until their bodies refuse, and then slaughtered for cheap meat.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat or otherwise abuse” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority.
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