For immediate release:
March 23, 2021
Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382
Bowling Green, Kentucky. – The School Resource Specialist recently provided every Jackson Academy student with a fast food chicken lunch, and now, building on that generous act, PETA’s Humane Education Division TeachKind sent a letter to Jackson Academy Director Eric Wilson this morning inviting everyone to treat them well. environmentally friendly, vegan chicken sandwiches.
“Taking a vegan chicken sandwich is a delightful lesson in how easy it is to save animals, protect our health and fight climate change,” says Martha Holmberg, Senior Director of PETA Youth Programs. “PETA and TeachKind are delighted to help Jackson Academy students explore a new healthy and humane way to eat.”
If the school accepts the offer, TeachKind plans to work with a local catering company to make 60 crispy vegan chicken sandwiches with lettuce, tomato and vegan mayonnaise served with fries.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…
This is followed by a TeachKind letter to Wilson.
March 23, 2021
Eric Wilson
Jackson Academy Director
Warren County Public Schools
Dear Mr. Wilson,
I write from TeachKind, PETA’s humane education arm that works with thousands of educators across the country to bring compassion into the curriculum. After seeing the news that school counselor Chris Shelton recently provided every Jackson Academy student with Chick-fil-A food, we were inspired to follow suit by making a similar offer. Can we send students free vegan chicken sandwiches? Students will likely be impressed to hear that humans can save nearly 200 animals a year each, improve their health, and reduce their environmental impact by leaving meat and other animal products off their plates.
Of course, good eating habits begin in childhood. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that vegetarians and vegans have a much lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease, as well as lower rates of hypertension, cancer, and type 2 diabetes, as well as lower blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and body weight. index. Meat production wastes valuable resources like water, causes massive amounts of pollution and is a major contributor to climate change as forests are cut down to grow crops to feed chickens and other animals. Students may find it fascinating that vegan eating is more effective than switching to a “greener” car in the fight against climate change. We recommend that they watch films such as COWSPIRACY – The Secret to Sustainability to learn more about the benefits of a vegan lifestyle.
Another thing that schools catch is the lesson that all animals deserve attention to meet their needs. Chickens are sensitive animals that, like all other living, sentient beings, do not want to suffer or die. Scientists agree that their complex social structures and good memory are indisputable signs of intelligence, comparable to that of mammals. Most chickens raised for meat are kept in the tens of thousands on industrial farms where disease is rampant. They are bred to grow so quickly that their legs often buckle under the weight of their own body, leaving them crippled and in pain.
In this time of heightened awareness of bullying and interpersonal violence, developing empathy among young people for all those we live with on our planet is a great opportunity that will really pay off when they grow up in a diverse society.
In addition to the sandwiches, we would like to send you some of our free educational materials, including Hard Guesses, our high school social justice curriculum designed to create empathy for others regardless of their race, race, gender, sexual identity, and age. , or ability. Our staff is always ready to provide additional materials and even give virtual presentations to your students about the benefits of a vegan lifestyle – all for free.
We look forward to your feedback on our offering of free vegan chicken sandwiches for your students.
Megan Snyder
TeachKind Assistant Manager