For immediate release:
May 3, 2021
Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382
Nashville, Tennessee. – Ahead of Mother’s Day (May 9), a pregnant PETA participant, dressed as an avocado, will drive up to a busy downtown intersection tomorrow to call on “vegan avoca GO” passers-by and distribute vegan burgers and hot avocado chicken sliders. Sunflower cafe.
When: Tuesday 4 May 12:00
Where: Intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway, Nashville
“Whether you’re substituting cow’s milk for avocado oil or oat milk, every vegan choice shows a little love for mother cows and other animals,” says PETA’s director of campaigns Daniel Katz. “PETA encourages everyone who has a hole in their stomach out of cruelty to animal families to become vegan. “
PETA, whose motto is partly “Animals are not ours to eat,” notes that cows in the dairy industry are artificially inseminated through a painful and painful process, and then separated from newly born babies. For several days now, you can hear the cows calling their calves. Males are crammed into cramped veal boxes, while most female calves suffer the same fate as their mothers: they are forced to produce milk until their bodies refuse, and they are slaughtered for cheap meat.
PETA stands against racism, a worldview based on human superiority.
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