New data published Plant Food Association (PBFA) as well as Good Food Institute (GFI) found that retail sales of herbal products in United States continued to increase in double digits in 2020, growing 27% and bringing the total market value of plants to $ 7 billion. This sales growth has been consistent across the country, with more than 25% growth in all regions of the US census.
The plant-based food market grew almost twice as fast as the overall retail food market in the United States, which was expanding. 15% in 2020 as COVID-19 shuttered restaurants and consumers stocked up on food amid quarantine. Fifty seven percent households now buy plant-based foods, compared to 53% in 2019.
“The data tell us in no uncertain terms that we are undergoing a fundamental shift as an ever-growing number of consumers choose foods that taste good and enhance their health by incorporating plant-based foods into their diets,” PBFA Senior Director of Retail Partnerships trade, Julie Emmett, said in statement. “Because this industry excels $ 7 billion threshold, PBFA is pleased to continue its work to build sustainable infrastructure, including sourcing local ingredients, to meet this growing demand for increased access to plant-based foods. “
GFI as well as PBFA ordered data from BACK, which specifically refined the statistics to reflect only plant-based products that directly replace animal-based products.
According to recently released data, the value of all plant-based categories has increased, including plant-based meat, which has reached $ 1.4 billion in 2020, with sales growth 45%, from above $ 962 million in 2019.
The plant-based category grew twice as fast as regular meat, and now accounts for 2.7% retail sales of packaged meat. Eighteen percent US households now buy plant-based meat, compared to fourteen% in 2019. Sixty three percent buyers have also become repeat buyers.
Chilled Vegetable Meat Sales Increased 75% in 2020, products are increasingly being placed next to regular meat. This placement in the meat section helped drive growth in the segment, with sales of chilled plant-based meats growing at more than double the rate of sales of frozen plant-based meats, which were growing. 30% in 2020. it 10x faster than 2019.
“The plant-based category has grown to the point where retailers cannot restrict who they consider a plant-based customer. They now have to assume that everyone is a potential plant-based buyer and educate them enough to understand the possibilities, ”said Don Walandinghama, head of retail at SPINS, a health-focused data technology company. “Between innovation in plant-based products and a gradual return to less stringent trade measures, 2021 offers many opportunities for retailers to reach more customers and expand their plant-based offerings.”
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Plant-based food sales reached $ 7 billion in 2020, outperforming regular animal products for the third consecutive year, appearing in World Animal News for the first time.