Sharing food with those you care about is often seen as an act of love. And, of course, our pets tend to lead the list of those we care about the most. Not to mention, they do a great job of letting us know they love our food – from adorable puppy eyes to pawing us or doing a new trick they’ve learned – they can certainly be convincing.
But as you know, many human foods and ingredients are toxic to pets and could put our furry friends in danger. So how do you know what is safe to feed your pet if you want to treat him to a treat from your plate? There is a lot of information about what is safe and what is not. So, the ASPCA Animal Poisoning Control Center (APCC) wanted to simplify it a bit by sharing a couple of tips to help you share the right food with your four-legged friends.
Pay attention to serving size
Most importantly, your pet should get most of its nutrition from its regular diet. Snacks should make up no more than five percent of their daily calories, so try to keep your portions small.
In addition, food for humans tends to be high in fat and sugar, and too much fat or sugar can lead to inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which could bring your pet to the hospital. Also remember that too much food that your pet is not used to can lead to digestive upset.
Once you understand these two rules, feel free to see which foods your pet loves from the list below!
Safe snacks for pets
Vegetables: Vegetables such as carrots, celery, broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, or boiled (canned) pumpkin are good snack options. Since vegetables are low in fat and calories, they make a great snack for your furry friend. It’s best to cut vegetables into small pieces to avoid choking. They can be served raw (other than pumpkin) or cooked – just avoid seasoning if you are serving them cooked!
Fruit: Apples, bananas, cucumbers, pineapples, melon, blueberries, strawberries and kiwi can be given to your pet. As with vegetables, it is recommended to cut the harder fruits into small pieces and remove all seeds, cores, stems or rind. Adding cucumbers to your pet’s water or making a fruit smoothie for dogs is a great summer treat!
Popcorn: Popcorn is the favorite of many pets – and for good reason! Puffed popcorn is a healthy snack for you and your fluffy companion that doesn’t contain excessive amounts of fat or salt.
Peanut butter: Many pets love peanut butter. Using it as an ingredient in a pet-friendly recipe or as a way to hide a medicine are some of the common uses. There are a limited number of peanut butter products that contain xylitol – a sugar substitute that can be fatal to dogs – so be sure to check ingredient labels before giving it to your pet. Since peanut butter is also rich in fats, it’s best to limit the amount you feed our pet.
Cheese: A small cube of cheese is a great snack and / or pill disguise for your four-legged friend! Be sure to only offer a small bite with caution, as too much can lead to indigestion.
Meat: A small amount of lean, cooked chicken, turkey, beef or pork, boneless and seasoned, is also acceptable. It is best to avoid meats like lunch meat or bacon, as these can be high in salt.
Knowing what foods your pet is be able eating is only half the battle. Be sure to check out the full list of APCC products so you don’t share them with your pet. Have a nice snack!
If you think your pet may have swallowed something toxic, contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center immediately at (888) 426-4435 for help.