For immediate release:
12 April 2021
Brooke Rossi 202-483-7382
Honolulu Hawaii is considered the nation’s best state for women’s equality and was the first to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, which is why PETA placed a giant ad on the side of the Sack N Save store on the Stadium Marketplace urging women to show solidarity with their sisters of other species who face exploitation and abuse …
“From humans to chickens, we are all made of flesh and blood, we feel pain and fear, we want freedom, we love our families, we have unique personalities and we value our lives,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk, who appears in the ad. “The PETA billboard encourages women to help our under-skin sisters by becoming vegan.”
The billboard is part of PETA’s campaign against arrogance: the old belief that, despite their outstanding talents, abilities and intelligence, all other species of animals are inferior to our own and that they can be exploited.
Female animals endure some of the most cruel treatment. For example, cows in the dairy industry are subjected to artificial insemination (raped when a person inserts a hand into the rectum and a metal rod into the vagina) and almost constantly maintains pregnancy, and their beloved calves are torn from them during the day after birth. … In the egg industry, chickens are confined to a space no larger than an iPad, beaks are cut off and sent to slaughter as soon as their bodies wear out. And in the meat industry, mother pigs spend their entire adult lives in cramped metal crates – and the PETA pig farm exposure revealed that piglets are slowly dying, out of the reach of their distraught mothers.
The billboard is located at 4561 Salt Lake Blvd.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…