Fish are friends, not food
The Pisces season is a time to be thoughtful and purposeful. Ask yourself important questions: Why is there an animal that suffers and feels pain like you? It’s not just that they can suffer – fish also have a very complex inner life. They communicate using low frequency sounds, rhythms and even “sign language”.
Some fish have been shown to plan ahead, demonstrating the use of logic and decision-making skills. Some use instruments: Pearlfish, for example, use oyster shells as a “speaker” to increase the volume of their communication. In Pisces, consider fish not food – they are people with their own unique interests.
The meat industry kills more fish for food annually than all other animals combined… Without any legal protection from abuse, fish are subjected to extremely painful slaughter methods: workers can pierce, crush, suffocate or cut and gut it, all while fully conscious.
Almost half of the fish consumed annually in the world comes from aquafarmswhere tens of thousands (or more) are stuffed into filthy reservoirs, and many suffer from parasites, disease, or debilitating injuries.
Commercial fishermen– who catch and kill up to 2.7 trillion fish every year – fish in giant nets where they can get so crowded that their eyes get out of their heads. They then drag them up to the surface, cut out their gills, and leave them to bleed to death. The fishing industry is also hazardous to the environment: a floating trash site in the Pacific Ocean is twice the size of France and weighs about 88,000 tons. Scientists estimate that 46% of this comes from fishing nets alone.