For immediate release:
March 12, 2021
Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382
Stoneham, Massachusetts. – AND Heroic Dog Award is on his way from PETA to a dog named Diesel, who barked to warn his guardian Thomas Walsh about a man who fell into the freezing water of Quarter Mile Pond and needed help on Wednesday. Walsh immediately called emergency services and then called two nearby tourists, and together they used a large branch to rescue a man who is now recovering from hypothermia.
“It’s impossible to predict what would have happened that day without Diesel’s determination, urgency and keen feelings,” says PETA vice president Colleen O’Brien. “PETA thanks him for saving this man’s life and for showing us all how to take care of each other.”
PETA notes that altruism in other animals is well documented but often overlooked due to arrogance, the misconception of people that all other animals are worse. For example, gorillas will take care of human babies, dolphins come to the aid of swimmers and surfers, ants help other colony members when they are trapped or attacked by a predator, female bats help each other during childbirth to facilitate childbirth. pain, and the rats will give up the treats to save the drowning rat.
PETA sends Walsh a framed certificate along with a “dog bag” of toys and vegan treats for Diesel.
PETA’s motto, in particular, is that “animals are not in our hands to abuse them.” For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…