For immediate release:
April 15, 2021
Moira Collie 202-483-7382
Springdale, Arkansas. – PETA has just received USDA reports stating that local Tyson Foods, Inc. and George’s Inc. violated federal law in seven of their slaughterhouses across the country at least 12 times in four months, with more than 2,000 birds killed in cold trucks overnight, others drowning and live birds submerged in hot water.
In reports, federal agents documented that dozens of chickens were burned alive and / or drowned in a vat of hot water at George’s slaughterhouse, and the live bird was “buried up to its neck” with feces. George’s other venture killed thousands of birds by leaving them in trucks in temperatures as high as 37 degrees.
At one slaughterhouse in Tyson, federal officials found the birds were drowning when their heads were submerged in electrified water, and at another, many chickens were found clutching their heads and wings in truck cages. At another Tyson site, inspectors found birds scalded to death or drowned, along with numerous dead chickens and shivering, rain-soaked survivors “choking” on a truck.
“These reports expose appalling systemic violence nationwide: birds were thrown into hot water, drowned, left to die from exposure, and more,” says PETA Senior Vice President Daphne Nachminovic. “PETA encourages everyone who still eats chickens to remember the painful death of these birds – and choose vegan dishes instead.”
PETA, whose motto is in part that “animals are not ours to eat,” and which opposes arrogance, a worldview based on human superiority, received the tapes at the request of the Freedom of Information Act. Violations occurred in massacres in Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
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