Every year, the German armed forces wounded live pigs in gruesome trauma training so that the animals could then be used as surgical assistants for soldiers wounded in combat. Not only is the practice inhuman, it is also bad medicine. This is because these animals have strikingly different anatomy and physiology from humans, making mutilation irrelevant to battlefield medicine.
More than 70% of NATO countries have abandoned the use of animals in trauma training and instead now use much more advanced human-patient simulations and other non-animal techniques.
PETA and our subsidiary in Germany have sent a letter to the German Defense Minister calling for an end to the use of animals in trauma training.
Will you add your voice to ours by taking the steps below?
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Once you’ve signed the warning, post polite comments on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram below and urge the German Armed Forces and the German Defense Minister to stop using live animals in trauma training. Please do not skip these important steps.
German armed forces:
German Defense Minister: