Of course, you enjoyed 32 hours of streaming last weekend and are now friends with the delivery driver on social media. However, you are probably more active than the ones on our list of 15 laziest animals!
# 15 Laziest animal: cuckoo
Cuckoos clap a lot, but they are lazy parents! Instead of incubating their own eggs, cuckoos lay them in other birds’ nests! This is known as “brood parasitism,” and practitioners can disguise their shells to resemble the eggs of their “sitting” ones. Unloading parenting? This is definitely considered lazy!
Cuckoo Bird Trivia Fact
Cuckoo birds enjoy a “cosmopolitan distribution”, meaning they live on all continents except Antarctica.
# 14 Laziest animal: lemur
Lemurs are sluggish bums, sleeping 16 hours a day. They usually stay awake alone and eat. But when it comes time to tackle the hay, the lemurs gather and form pods for sleeping.
Lemur facts
Lemurs live only in Madagascar, an island country off the coast of Mozambique. Click here to learn more about lemurs, one of the most endangered animals on Earth.
# 13 Laziest Animal: Pig
Pigs love to frolic in the mud. They also value sleep and do it 12 to 14 hours a day! Pigs, being sociable animals, love to snooze in their arms. To keep them happy and healthy, farmers keep their sleeping pens dry, fragrant and draft-free.
Pig Trivia Fact
Pigs were the first animals to be domesticated by humans. Click here to learn more about pigs with four toes on each foot.
# 12 Laziest Animal: Nurse Shark
Most sharks are perpetual motion machines because their breathing apparatus requires movement. But not the nurse shark, which is affectionately called “sea potatoes”. This species can pump water through its gills without moving, allowing individuals to rest on the ocean floor for more than half a day – every day. They feed at night. But nurse sharks don’t need much food, and what they eat is sucked lazily away rather than hunted.
Nurse Shark Trivia Fact
There can be up to 25 puppies in a nurse shark litter! Click here to learn more about the nurse sharks commonly found in Central American waters.
# 11 Laziest Animal: Giant Panda
Giant pandas have perfected the art of segmented sleep. The famous black and white bears sleep about 12 hours a day in three hour breaks. Why are there so many sleeping eyes? Bamboo, their main food source, is to blame. Pandas love it, but bamboo is low in nutrients so they must eat at least 44 pounds a day to stay alive! All this chewing and digestion tires the system.
Interesting fact about the giant panda
Giant pandas don’t like a variety of foods. Instead, bamboo makes up 99 percent of their diet! Click here to find out more about giant pandas that are losing their habitat at an alarming rate.
# 10 Laziest animal: echidna
Echidnas are thorny land mammals that sleep 12 hours a day. And who can blame them! Poor echidnas are stuck in the hot zone of Australia, but they can’t sweat or breathe hard to cool down! They wake up at night and slowly get food. But as soon as the sun rises up, it goes back to sleep in the shade.
Echidna Trivia Fact
Echidnas are one of two mammals that lay eggs. The other is a platypus. Click here to learn more about the echidna, formerly called the “spiny anteater”.
# 9 Laziest Animal: Monkey Owl
The only nocturnal “real monkeys”, owls, with their 17-h
r sleep, easily made our list of the laziest animals. Also known as night monkeys, they eat and socialize after dark. Vocal primates live in families of monogamous parents and their dependent offspring. In the owl monkey world, dads take care of themselves first and foremost.
Owl Monkey Fun Fact
Their own monkeys have super-night vision but cannot see colors.
# 8 Laziest animal: Python
Pythons have a fierce reputation, but a closer look at their lifestyle reveals lazy reptiles. The scary sliders sleep up to 18 hours a day. When awake, they move at the same speed as stopping!
Why so lazy and slow? Pythons only eat once a week and it takes a lot of energy to digest a completely swallowed prey. Shedding the skin is another energy drain. To get ready, pythons need to sleep for a week straight!
Fun fact about Python
Pythons are one of the largest snake species, they can reach 23 feet and weigh 200 pounds! But they have no poison. Instead, pythons squeeze their prey.
# 7 Laziest animal: hippo
Given their gigantic size, it’s no surprise that hippos fall on the lazy side of the activity track. Giant mammals sleep 16 to 20 hours a day and doze in large groups. Land or water, hippos are not picky, they can fall asleep almost anywhere! At night, when the sun is not visible, they roam around in search of food. When hippos stumble upon a fertile patch of land, they can stand in one place for five hours and graze! Let’s talk about meditative!
Interesting fact about hippo
Hippos outweigh the scales at over 7000 pounds! Click here to learn more about meat-free hippos.
6. Laziest animal: domestic cat
There are many cats, and one of them is lazy. Of course, when they are awake and fishing, they are agile, fast, and pleasant to look at. But feline pets stay awake no more than eight hours a day. And out of those eight hours, they rest six or seven! The researchers believe that the domestic cat’s sleep patterns are a genetic heritage from the time they hunted in the Sahara, and needed to conserve energy to catch prey.
Interesting fact about domestic cats
Cats have five times better hearing than adults. Click here to learn more about the domesticated cats first tamed by the ancient Egyptians.
# 5 Laziest Animal: Opossum
They move at icy speed and sleep 18 to 20 hours a day. They are possums, and once they find a cozy place with the nearest food, they don’t budge.
Possum Facts
Opossums are the only marsupial animals in the United States and Canada. Click here to learn more about possums, which have more teeth than any other land animal in North America.
# 4 Laziest Animal: Sloth
Sloths are the embodiment of laziness. The infamous sluggish tree hangers sleep about 20 hours a day. While awake, their speed is set to molasses. But the merit is that we must pay tribute: two-toed sloths are somewhat faster than three-toed ones.
Sloth trivia fact
Genetically sloths are closer to armadillos than apes. Click here to learn more about sloths who only go to the bathroom once a week!
# 3 Laziest animal: Koala
Koalas are the cutest – and they are also among the laziest! Adorable fur balls wake up from two to six hours a day! Like giant pandas, koalas have an almost constant sleep state associated with food. Since most of their diet is eucalyptus, an ultra-high fiber food, digesting it requires all the energy of small koalas.
Koala Bear Fun Fact
People often call koalas “koalas”, but this is a misnomer. Koalas are marsupials, not bears. Click here to learn more about koalas that have fire fingers.
# 2 Laziest Animal: Lion
Lions may be kings and queens in the jungle, but they are also qui
te lazy. Did you know that lions sleep 18 to 20 hours a day? But this is understandable, because the lions are hot, and it takes a lot of energy to hunt for large prey. Sometimes they doze for 24 hours to get ready!
Leo little things fact
Lions are highly social animals that live in family groups called prides. Click here to learn more about lions, whose roar can be heard five miles away.
# 1 Laziest animal: blue-tongued pygmy lizard
Blue-tongued lizards do not like to communicate with the rest of the world and are very wary of predators. The fearful dwarf blue tongues spend their lives hanging out in the caves of spiders, and don’t leave unless forced. For food, they sit with their mouths open and wait for food to fall there. It’s the same with water; they rely on raindrops falling on their tongues.
Blue Tongue Pygmy Lizard Fact
Scientists believed that the blue-tongued dwarf lizard became extinct in the recent past – but it turned out that the insidious reptiles were just hiding!
The laziest animal quiz ever
We love animal quizzes! So here is one of the laziest animals on Earth!
- What an animal is lazy because it eats a lot of eucalyptus and it takes a lot of energy to digest it.
- Giant pandas
- Lemurs
- Sloths
- Koalas
- Which of the following lazy animals did humans tame first?
- Pigs
- Cats
- Cuckoo
- Python
- Why do lions sometimes sleep 24 hours straight?
- Prepare for the hunt
- Digest
- Because they are the kings of the jungle who can do whatever they want
- Nobody knows
- How much do hippos weigh?
- About £ 1000
- Over £ 7,000
- 500 to 800 lbs
- Over 20,000 pounds
- How many times a week do pythons eat?
- Seven
- One
- Three
- 14
And this is our list of the laziest animals on Earth. Next up: the oldest living animals right now!
Answer key: 1) 4 | 2) 1 | 3) 1 | 4) 2 | 5) 2