What is a marble fox? Do they make good pets? Marble Arctic Are foxes the same as marble foxes? A reader recently asked these questions, so we got to work and found the answers. Let’s dive in!
What is a marble fox?
Marble foxes do not occur naturally. Instead, they are descendants of the red and silver fox, specially bred by humans. Other names for the animal include “Canadian marble fox” and “arctic marble fox”.
What makes them special?
First of all, it is fur – their thick, beautiful, desirable fur. Second, they are delightfully intelligent animals.
Beautiful fur
As the name suggests, marble fox coats are reminiscent of stone marble: mostly white in color with fine veins of gray, black or brown, artfully woven over the entire surface.
Scientifically speaking, their coloration is a genetic mutation known as “color phase”. A bright shade usually runs down the back and face. Many look like they are wearing old-fashioned burglar masks.
Cunning intellect
Their second calling card is intelligence. After all, there is a reason why we say “cunning as a fox!”
Use puzzles to keep them happy and healthy. If you’re lucky, they’ll spend their time playing games instead of coming up with ways to steal something from home!
Are marble foxes good pets?
Foxes are popular “exotic pets” but illegal to keep in 35 states. However, people in the following jurisdictions can legally own foxes:
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Indiana
- Kentucky
- Michigan
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New York
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- North Dakota
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Wyoming
But just because you can have a pet fox doesn’t mean you should have a pet fox.
People with cats and small dogs should not have foxes. They get along like Hamilton and Burr – awful! Never, never, never put a kitten next to a marbled fox. Chickens are also bankrupt partners in the yard.
Before inviting a marble fox into your home, do your research – and then do it again! Living with one of them is very different from living with a dog or cat. For example, an average family pet doesn’t need a large enclosed pen with a roof and a three-story tower, but a fox does. They also enjoy straw, mud, and play cover.
Activity and lots of attention is also on the list of must-haves from the marble fox. If these needs are not met, they will become destructive.
Communication and purchase
The first six months are a critical time for fox attachment, and it’s best to find one as young as possible. This could mean the difference between successful and tense relationships. Foxes are usually born in April, so start contacting breeders in March.
According to the owners, constant conversation with them during the child’s attachment period is of great importance. They recognize your voice, which strengthens the relationship.
Here’s another tip for the marbled fox: never spend more than $ 600 on it!
Litter Training
Believe it or not, foxes can be trained. It will take much longer than cats, who seem to instinctively understand that “the sandbox is for writing.” Prepare to work with marble foxes for months. But as soon as they get it, they get it!
Marble Fox Nature
Spaying and spaying foxes is a good idea. However, unlike dogs and cats, they will continue to mark their territory after the procedure.
Another difference between traditional pets and foxes is predictability or lack thereof. We study the habits of our dogs and cats because they set the daily routine. Their reactions are uniform and predictable, which allows us to plan for them and our comfort.
But marble foxes, like all wild foxes, are known to be unpredictable. One day, they may respond positively to a given stimulus and reject it the next day.
What you need to understand before starting a fox
- If you’re looking for a cuddle buddy, marble foxes are not the answer. Yes, they have a personality – and they are impressively independent – but they are not very affectionate. Many don’t even like to be touched.
- Even if they get close to you, the foxes will run away if given the opportunity. Thus, quality enclosures are essential.
- Foxes cannot be punished like dogs and cats. An attempt to do this could end in disaster.
- Sensitive to smell? If so, think twice before living with the marbled fox. They smell worse than dogs. Their stench is comparable to that of a skunk.
- Foxes love to dig and dig holes to escape the heat.
Frequently asked questions about the marble fox
Like all newborn foxes, babies are called kittens.
They usually live in captivity for 10 to 15 years.
Marble foxes weigh 6 to 20 pounds.
Foxes and wolves belong to the same taxonomic family: Canidae… So while they share genetic similarities, the differences abound. For example, foxes are smaller than wolves. Also, wolves hunt in packs, and foxes – alone.
Foxes eat red meat, poultry, vegetables, fruits and some dog food. They like sweets, but most owners advise to limit themselves to a treat once a month.
Some dogs can tolerate being chained outside. Foxes can’t.
Yes, some bark like dogs. However, this is a slightly different sound and is often referred to as “wilder”.