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For years, the owners of Have Trunk Will Travel, Kari and Gary Johnson, have driven Dixie and other elephants around the country, forcing them to perform tricks and ride under the threat of severe punishment. The observers documented that they beat and jerked Dixie and other elephants with a poker-like weapon called bulls. When California outlawed the weapon, the Johnsons moved their facility to Texas and renamed it “The Preserve.” Don’t be fooled by its misleading name – this structure makes elephants stand on their heads, paint, play instruments and perform other tricks for the audience, all under threat of punishment.
But in recent weeks, all references to Dixie have been erased from their website, and she has obviously not been used in public exhibitions. Many fear she might die, especially given her severe exhaustion in recent months.
Left alone in their natural homes, elephants spend their days socializing, swimming, browsing, and playing. And like all other people, they want and deserve the freedom to be themselves. Forcing elephants to work under threat of violence – egregious arrogance– discrimination based solely on species.
While it may be too late to provide Dixie with the pension she so desperately needed, please persuade the sanctuary to give the remaining elephants – Ty, Kitty, Rosie and Becky – a real pension in an accredited sanctuary where they can receive expert assistance and assistance is free move around, collect food, communicate and play on your own terms.