Hedgehog, an important garden animal, a friend of the gardener
No, if you find a hedgehog in your garden, do not chase after him! This is not harmful; on the contrary, it will help protect your garden from various insects.
The hedgehog eats a large number of small garden pests. Here’s how to make it easier for it to appear in your garden.
Organize space
The hedgehog gets along well with the person. This small nocturnal mammal hides during the day. Arrange shelters for him. For example, a bunch of leaves and branches.
You can also build a suitable shelter, for example by placing an upside-down crate with access to the bushes.
Feed on locusts, likes small berries, ripe berries, mushrooms … Provide running water;
Hedgehog lifespan
The hedgehog lives an average of 7 to 10 years, but over the course of several decades, when the traffic rushes with cars, the lifespan of this small but responsive animal has shrunk like a skin of grief (less than 2 years with an infant mortality rate of more than 20%).
His diet
The hedgehog is a carnivore that feeds on slugs, snails, beetles, earthworms, and cat food! He looks for food, sniffing the ground, he has a more developed sense of smell and hearing than sight.
He turns out to be a valuable assistant for the gardener, who looks after the garden at night and drives away unwanted people who love vegetables.
Soon after the end of hibernation, the rutting season begins, which lasts until September. After a gestation period of 5-6 weeks, females give birth to 4-7 cubs. There may be 2 calving per year. An adult hedgehog becomes an adult in the spring after its birth.
At the end of autumn, it begins to look for a place for wintering. His favorite hibernation sites are usually under a pile of wood, a pile of leaves, under a bush, or anywhere else sheltered from the cold and wind. Once the perfect spot is found, he creates a small nest lined with moss and leaves.
As soon as the temperature drops below 10 ° C, he becomes lethargic, but sometimes wakes up briefly when the temperature gets too low. With each awakening, he depletes his reserves of energy, which can be fatal for him if he spends the rest of the winter. The final awakening occurs in the spring, around April, regardless of the weather conditions.
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