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Don’t let the name fool you: “Christmas Jungle Adventure” in Florida not an adventure for the animals that are forced to live there. In this self-proclaimed “roadside attraction,” which is actually a trashy tourist trap, Boris the bear and the cougars Venus and Apollo are forced to live in gloomy conditions as cars pass by on the highway. just a few hundred yards away from Boris’s cage.
Boris spends his days waiting for food to be thrown at him in his small barren aviary. Boris, Venus and Apollo are forced to live on hard concrete, which damages their skeletal system and can cause muscle sprains and bedsores. Living on concrete is known to aggravate debilitating and painful conditions. such as osteoarthritis and other degenerative joint diseases, especially in geriatric animals.
These conditions are clearly terribly inadequate, given that in nature, cougars – which are extremely agile – can jump from the ground up to 18 feet into trees, and bears roam vast areas where they can forage for themselves, dig holes in soft ground, climb through the trees and swim in rivers and ponds. In an accredited reserve, these animals, as well as coyotes, wolfhounds, lynxes and servals, can have the opportunity to thrive in vast habitats, explore a diverse range of terrain, and receive expert veterinary care tailored to their individual needs. Denying these rights is harmful arrogance, discrimination based solely on species.
Please ask Jungle Adventures to give Boris, Venus, Apollo and other animals the lives they deserve and send them to accredited reserves now!