For immediate release:
April 1, 2021
Nicole Meyer 202-483-7382
Detroit “PETA just posted a billboard on I-74 near the intersection with I-94 that reads“See Human. Become a vegan, ”Monument to 18 cows who were shot after a truck carrying them overturned on a highway in February.
“Cows are gentle giants who have thoughts and feelings like everyone else,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “If a PETA billboard convinces at least one person to stop eating animals, we will do something good.”
The truck was transporting Holstein cows, the breed most commonly used in the dairy industry, in which workers artificially inseminate cows – a process no female wants to undergo – and then rip the calves away from loving mothers within hours of their birth. … Males are sent to slaughter, and females will face the same fate as their mothers – multiple forced pregnancies until their bodies break and they are slaughtered for cheap meat.
In the United States alone, there were at least 78 accidents involving trucks transporting animals for food in 2020 – and this year there were 16. Every person who goes vegan saves about 200 cows, pigs, chickens and others every year. animals. and May Help Prevent Future Pandemics: Keeping and killing animals for food has been linked to SARS, swine flu, avian influenza and COVID-19, and slaughterhouse workers faced high infection rates during the current pandemic.
The PETA billboard is located at 1313 E. Milwaukee St.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat or otherwise abuse” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…