For immediate release:
March 25, 2021
Brooke Rossi 202-483-7382
Norfolk, Virginia. – Since tornadoes are now possible in areas of Alabama, including Decatur, Florence, Huntsville and Madison, PETA has released animal safety tips.
- Animals must never left in chains or locked up outsidewhere they cannot escape from strong winds, flying debris and crumbling structures. The dogs were sucked into the air – a doghouse and all – during a tornado, so the animals need to be taken inside to a safe place.
- Guardians you also need to take animals with you if it becomes necessary to move to a more durable structure or hide underground.
- Anyone who sees animals in distress and cannot help should note the whereabouts of the animals and warn the authorities immediately…
PETA released disaster preparedness announcements… This is a video star Dean Wintersand this one tells the real story of a man reunited with his dog after a tornado. For more information please or subscribe to us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…