PETA has received an urgent report that Gristedes, a New York-based supermarket chain, has set glue traps throughout its Eighth Avenue store in an attempt to attack mice and rats. The glue traps inflict immense suffering as panicky victims struggle with all their might, tearing apart their flesh and even biting off their own limbs in their frantic attempts to escape. These sadistic practices are also appallingly indiscriminate, posing a threat to many non-target animals, including protected species.
PETA pleaded with Gristedes to remove these traps immediately to prevent the animals from falling into the trap, but to no avail. Now your turn! Please kindly ask Gristedes CEO John Katsimatidis and the network’s parent company, Red Apple Group, to destroy and dispose of the traps, then send this warning to everyone you know. Just copy and paste the following block of email addresses into the “To” field of your email:
[email protected]; [email protected]