For immediate release:
March 12, 2021
Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382
Blacksburg, Virginia. – “Pardoned in Washington. Punished at Virginia Institute of Technology. ” This is the message of the new PETA ad shown on Sunday at Roanoke Times It reveals to the public a dirty secret: Four Indians, who received “full and complete pardons” by former President Donald Trump, who called one of them “so happy,” are being held in Virginia Tech’s filthy barren cells. and they are so tense and depressed from lack of fresh air and sunshine that they have nothing to do that their feathers fall out. PETA notes that the public was told the pardoned turkeys were “safe and sound” at the inappropriately named “Gobblers Rest” – a far cry from reality at the university.
Announcement encourages Virginia Tech “Let PETA give these turkeys the opportunity to enjoy the companionship, fresh air and sun in a respected reserve.”
“These birds were supposed to have a good life, but instead they have no life at all, they are sent out every day and night in a dirty, bare paddock,” says Daniel Paden, vice president of cruelty investigations at PETA. “These birds are suffering, and Virginia Institute of Technology must acknowledge this fact and authorize PETA to move them to an accredited sanctuary so they can finally enjoy the remaining days, as advertised.”
As PETA videos and photographs show, the turkeys – Peas and Carrots (2018) and Bread and Butter (2019) – languish under fluorescent lights in the gloomy Gobblers Rest school pavilion, where brown spots will stain their tail feathers, and they are deprived of the right to any the ability to lead a natural lifestyle, such as collecting food and getting a sleepover. PETA sent a letter to the dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences of Virginia Institute of Technology suggesting that the birds be placed in a reputable wildlife sanctuary, but he did not respond.
PETA – whose motto is in part: “Animals don’t eat ours” – opposes specisism, a worldview based on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…