For immediate release:
February 5, 2021
Nicole Meyer 202-483-7382
Fort Collins, Colorado. – As the Tampa Bay Pirates prepare to take on the Kansas City chiefs in the LV Super Bowl, PETA’s chicken mascot will compete tomorrow for delicious vegan wings from local restaurant Tasty Harmony. PETA supporters will be holding posters that read “Vegan Wings? Clack, yeah! “
When: Saturday, 6 February, 12 noon
Where: 100 N. College Ave. (at the intersection with E. Mountain Avenue), Fort Collins
“Every year, hundreds of millions of chicks are killed on Sunday Super Bowls, so PETA is encouraging fans to try delicious play day snacks that will keep the chickens safe on their wings,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “Everyone can win a tender bird landing by opting for vegan wings.”
As PETA shows in its video “Chicken in Reverse,” what happens to the chickens is not fun. The birds are stuffed into filthy barns and bred to grow their upper bodies so unnaturally large that their legs are often disabled by the weight. In slaughterhouses, their throats are often cut, often while they are still conscious, and many are scalded to death in emptying tanks. Anyone who goes vegan saves about 200 chickens and other animals every year.
PETA – whose motto is partly that “animals are not ours to eat” and which opposes arrogance, a worldview based on human superiority – offers lists of ready-to-reheat wings available in grocery stores and simple vegan recipes for a play day for your site. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…