And be careful with buyers: adopt, never buy for guinea pigs or other small animals, says Group
For immediate release:
February 10, 2021
David Pearl 202-483-7382
Gary, Indiana – PETA just received USDA inspection reports on a local Kuiper Rabbit Ranch, LLC small animal breeding factory revealing dire conditions and severe neglect, including animals dying from heatstroke in transit and hundreds of prisoners in cages with their own feces, and asks Lake County Attorney Bernard A. Carter to investigate immediately.
As recently as January 7, the USDA discovered a deep, open, and bloody gash on a guinea pig’s leg and feces stuck to its leg – and the staff were apparently unaware of her painful injury. The cages, which housed a total of 1,334 guinea pigs, were covered in dried urine, many feeders contained feces, and about a quarter of the cages in one shed contained feces. A January 2020 inspection found similar dirt, as well as the death of three guinea pigs who overheated during an eight-hour trip to a customer. Earlier it was reported that hundreds of guinea pigs with chewed ears and fine hair were confined in cages with large accumulations of feces and urine. In addition, up to 500 rabbits were kept in severely rusted cages.
“Pet shops and even laboratories buy small vulnerable animals from such hellish holes, where they suffer from dirt and pain,” says PETA senior vice president Daphne Nachminovich. “This is one of the reasons PETA is encouraging people to take animals from shelters and rescue teams rather than buying them.”
In light of the findings, PETA asked Carter to investigate the Kuiper Rabbit Ranch and, if necessary, bring animal cruelty charges against those responsible for causing unnecessary suffering.
PETA, whose motto is in part that “animals are not in our hands to be abused in any way,” opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information please visit or subscribe to the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram…